Eleonora Edreva is a transdisciplinary storyteller who works in ever-shifting arrangements of mediums and modes: weavings made from threads, text, or electrical cables; scents and videos, rituals and participatory workshops, collaboration with people, plants, and places. Their practice offers poetic invitations for cultivating (re)connection in our human, beyond-human, and place-based relationships, acknowledging that meaningful change happens when we heal and move from both the individual and collective levels simultaneously.

Sometimes their work takes on a material form, sometimes it engages the invisible efforts of weaving and tending to webs of relationships. Their practice celebrates slowness—they move with time: the time it takes to sink fully into the senses, the time it takes to find the right words, the time it takes to process a natural dye, the time it takes to plant, nurture, harvest, and experiment. Eleonora’s work is deeply informed by their childhood immigration from Bulgaria to the U.S. and their ongoing search for connection to and belonging within places, lineages, histories, and cultures.

They hold a BA in English Language & Literature from the University of Chicago, an MFA in Art & Ecology from the University of New Mexico. Their work has been shown in exhibitions and festivals such as the University of New Mexico Art Museum (Albuquerque, NM), Access Gallery (Vancouver, BC), Images Festival (Toronto, ON), and the Flat Earth Film Festival (Seyðisfjörður, Iceland), among others. Eleonora is currently a 2024/2025 Fulbright Research Fellow in Bulgaria.

© Eleonora Edreva 2025