Once upon a future
Once upon a future: Sensory storytelling is a series of workshops done in collaboration with Alyssa Frye, an herbalist and food justice activist. We were both similarly interested in the power of words spoken aloud to create soundwaves that reverberate and create ripples through the world, especially when being given to a listener through the intentional telling of a story.
Stories are often told in the past tense, but the idea for the workshop came about from an interest in what could happen when we tell stories about the present or future, when we harness the power of sound waves to shape future events rather than just reinforce past ones. The resulting workshops ask participants to bring a story that they start off by sharing with the group. We then workshop the stories together, doing movement and sensing exercises to help us to tell our stories in the present tense with language that brings in the body and senses.
From a state of greater presence and embodiment, the workshops culminate in collaboratively writing and telling a story about the future. Each participant responds to the prompt “what kind of future would you like to create?” by writing down words on pieces of paper and placing them around the location of the workshop. Each workshop takes place outdoors and is site specific, so in this way the workshop activates the non-human entities, beings, and surroundings that have been listening to our stories. Participants then retrieve pieces of paper that weren’t written by them and answer the prompt by writing a story blending their own ideas and those of the others. Each person shares their story orally with the group and then chooses a particular being in our site to tell their story to, entering into an intentional relationship with them and bringing them in as collaborators that hold and radiate these soundwaves shaping the future.